Is it their ability to laugh with you (and sometimes at you) for hours on end? Or that they’ll be there for you at a drop of a hat if you need a shoulder to lean on? Or the fact that they love you unconditionally for everything that you are (and aren’t)?
Having great friends like Anne and Stan, and Claire and Darrell to share your life with is a gift like no other…
Russel and Susan
Thanks to Anne and Stan Coster for accommodating us while we completed the last arrangements, and attended medical appointments before embarking on our adventure. Also, we truly appreciate the safe storage of our vehicles until we return.

I’m not sure what your neighbours thought about the trailer trash that suddenly took up residence on a side driveway. Our wannabe pit bull Chloe, kicking up a fuss at the farm cats, letting them know who was boss – despite the fact she was behind glass within her mommy’s protective reach.

Thanks to Claire (aka Susan’s “Seeester”) and Darrell Gunderson for the drinks, snacks, and entertaining evening.

I have a new respect for your patience while teaching me how to play cribbage. By the way, cribbage sounds like cabbage because it stinks the same. It will be fun they said. It’s easy they said, all you have to do is count to 15. To put it in perspective, I felt like I was crawling across broken shards of glass while counting 15-2, 15-4, a pair is 6, and a double run is 12. Just so you know, I had to ask Susan to clarify the bizarre counting before posting. I guess Susan will continue your hard work and teach me how to play cribbage on rainy days over the next 20,000 km. If you expect me to be a pro when we return to West Kelowna, know this…I will pray and pray for sunny days.