We packed up the trailer and prepared for another moving day. Before leaving, we walked across the street to a hole in the wall Mexican Restaurant – the food was – how should I say it…”very authentic”

I knew I would pay the price later after eating the refried beans. Best instant weight loss plan ever!
We returned to the campsite, and headed out following the GPS instructions. We left San Antonio and joined heavy traffic, and passed through numerous construction zones. The concrete barriers constricting traffic leaving no room for driver error.
Once we left the volume behind, we set the cruise control and settled in for a very long moving day enjoying the comfort of air conditioning. The harsh sun baking the landscape to a crisp. The lush coastal forests now replaced with savanna, the trees and shrubs stunted and wilting due to lack of water.

The fishermen we met on the river walk in San Antonio were accurate in their description of the drive to Fort Stockton. It consisted of long straight roads and dusty desert, for mile – after mile – after mile.
The soaring temperature were reason to keep an eye on the engine gauges. Tire debris littered the roadside, and scorched tar marked the locations where vehicles had burned out. Some experienced truckers obviously aware of these issues, stop and take care of any problems.

We made a few stops along the way to gas up. At one station, we heard a rooster crowing from a crate on the back seat of a car. Little did he know he was destined for the pot.
We pulled into Fort Stockton and checked with the Walmart management before boondocking for the night. After a long driving day, we treated ourselves to a pizza – who feels like standing over a hot stove in a hot parking lot.

Typical of any oil town, the rig rats (oil industry rig workers) had large jacked up diesel trucks on oversized magnesium rims, low profile tires, and rolling coal (belching diesel smoke)

Once the yahoos left, and the shoppers headed home, silence fell over the parking lot. More travellers pulled in, and when I took Chloe out for a pee, there were nine other RV’s parked for the night.