Another big driving day as we left Saskatchewan, and drove through Manitoba, into Ontario. We planned to stop for a few days on a lake and get some much deserved rest and relaxation…and fishing.
The morning started as usual. Tea for me and coffee for Susan. We chatted about the day ahead of us, picking our route as we go. After a long driving day yesterday, we were going to take it easy today. Then the plans changed. We preferred to push through to Kenora, Ontario instead of another stay at a Walmart.
We completed the trailer preparations for travel, left the treed campground, and headed back onto Highway 1, with 20 kilometres left before we crossed into Manitoba.

The road straight, the sun climbed in the sky, and the roadside daisies stretched to the light, while being buffeted by passing cars and the relentless wind.

We crossed into Manitoba, and headed towards Brandon for brunch and topped up with gas. The terrain gradually leveled out, as flat as a pool table. Photos don’t do it justice. I’ve heard people say it’s so flat “you can see yesterday’s and tomorrow’s weather” or “you can see your dog running away…for three days.”
We continued east, admiring the scenery and enjoying the sunshine, just like the python in the back window.

The further east we drove in Manitoba, we noticed the change in density and type of trees, gradually shifting from deciduous to coniferous. We crossed into North Western Ontario, and pressed on towards Kenora, Ontario.

A quick google maps search, showed the extent of fresh water in this region alone…it’s truly remarkable. Lake of the Woods is over 110 km long and wide, and contains more than 14,552 islands and 105,000 km of shoreline.

More on Kenora and surrounding area over the next few days once we explore the town.