We left Maranatha RV Park, then stopped in at the Home Depot to pick up a few supplies before leaving town. We headed south along MEX 1 for an easy two hour drive through lush hills to Los Barriles.

We turned off MEX 1 at the entrance to town, drove past the Barrels Fountain, and followed the GPS directions down the hill to Martin Verdugo’s – the street was blocked off. Overnight, the locals had transformed the main street into a temporary shopping and carnival ground.
We made a tight u-turn , drove back up the hill, parked at the roadside, then walked back down the hill through the temporary carnival grounds to take a look at Verdugo’s.
We introduced ourselves and asked the staff at the office if they had a spot. They studied a whiteboard map of the campground and did mental rearrangements in their head for 10 minutes – then with a big smile, said yes.
Woohoo, they had one spot until January, then we would have to take another spot closer to the hotel for the remainder of our stay. This was perfect, because the boys could help us move, and we would be closer to each other when they stayed in the hotel.

We were really impressed by the staff. The campsite was affordable, they had space for the boys in the hotel, they had a nice nice pool with lovely ocean views, and we close to the beach.

We walked back up the hill, fetched the trailer, then followed their directions how to drive around the carnival. We navigated sand roads, back to the main street, pulled into the campground, then set up in our spot. We walked over to East Cape RV to cancel our temporary booking.

When we returned, we met Sarah (one of the regular campers) and received a rundown about the campground social calendar. Little did we know just how much fun we would have making new friends, taking walks on the sandy beaches, and fishing the turquoise waters.