After a relaxing multi day rest in Kenora, we made ready to leave, and continue east. We had brief chats with our awesome neighbours, headed to the pump out, then stopped by Walmart on the way out of town.
We felt rested, and pleased to be moving again. We took Highway 17 East, then headed down Highway 71 to Emo. The route had a slower speed limit than the 17, making for a more relaxing scenic drive past countless lakes, and more trees than you could imagine.
We realized, after looking at the map, that we were driving Down Lake of the Woods for over 100 kilometres, with twists and turns, and bridges from island to island.
After Nestor Falls, we left Lake of the Woods behind us and headed south to Emo where we filled up with gas at an old style gas station. The staff were awesome and they also washed our bug streaked windshield.

From Emo, we headed East on Highway 11, stopping in Fort Frances for lunch in Point Park. When we pulled in, I notices another Cougar Half Ton travel trailer with British Columbia plates. The owners were from Prince George, also heading east.

After Point Park, we continued east, past more lakes, and more trees. I guess this will be the norm for the next few days. What a contrast to the prairie provinces. They each have their own stunning landscapes.

During the drive south and then continuing east, I noticed more lakes with Water Lily growing in the shallows. This is prime bass fishing territory. With the sheer number of lakes, the fishing pressure must be minimal.

We neared out destination, and turned off onto the 118, to arrive at Atikokan and spend one night in Bunnell Park Campground. A quick setup, and BBQ, to feed ourselves while we fed the millions of hungry mosquitos. The air was thick with them.

After eating, it was time for a shower and blog, while looking out the trailer window at an amazing sunset.