With the trees showing the start of their autumn colours. we left Hubbard’s and headed to Five Islands. On our way, we stopped in Kentville to meet with David.
Susan and David went to the same school in their youth and have since reconnected with each other on Facebook over three decades later. David has followed our adventure on Facebook, and reached out to his network seeking recommendations where we should visit and stay while in the maritimes.
In appreciation for all of his help, we took him and his wife Kim to lunch.

After lunch, we took a slow drive through some scenic backcountry, admiring the changing autumn colours, but there were some uncomfortable sections of the road for Susan…I felt awful about her discomfort. In hindsight, we should have stayed a few more days in Hubbard’s.

We arrived at Five Islands Campground and booked in for two nights so Susan could get more recovery time. We watched an amazing sunset at high tide.

The next morning, the tide was out revealing perfect clam digging grounds. We relaxed in the campground, amazed at the huge change in tides.

Susan took a few short walks, and hid some of her painted stones to be discovered by other campers. She was a real trooper after her back surgery and enjoyed the travel downtime while recovering in beautiful surroundings.