We backtracked into Saco to explore the old industrial buildings, now converted into lofts and funky shops, they were once a hub of industrial activity.
On Factory Island, the Saco Iron Works began operation in 1811. The Saco Manufacturing Company established a cotton mill in 1826, and a canal was dug through rock to provide water power.

The mill burned in 1830, but was replaced in 1831 by the York Manufacturing Company. With the arrival of the Portland, Saco and Portsmouth Railroad in 1842, Factory Island developed into a major textile manufacturing center, with extensive brick mills dominating the Saco and Biddeford waterfronts.

Other businesses included foundries, belting and harnessmaking, and machine shops. The New England textile industry faded in the 20th century, and the York Manufacturing Company would close in 1958.
We left Saco, joined Interstate 95 heading south, and flowed along in heavy traffic.
We headed to Rhode Island, and as usual with touristy areas, drove around town with our travel trailer looking for parking…without luck. We covered quite a bit of territory taking in the amazing town.
If we did find parking, our next obstacle would have been the thousands of tourists pouring out from the two cruise ships at the dock like swarms of ants.

After driving around town, we stopped on the outskirts for lunch, then using free wifi, researched places to boondock. We headed to Walmart and when we arrived, noticed we were the only campers in the huge site.
A quick check with management confirmed the reason why – no camping allowed, so we headed to the Cracker Barrel and after checking with management, boondocked there for the night.

We settled down for the night and we’re the only people boondocking in their well laid out parking lot. After the night time diners had headed home, and the kitchen staff had departed, we were enveloped in a blanket of silence and drifted off to sleep.